Sunday, June 13, 2010

Newest Member of Our Family

Jace and I talk in sacrament meeting today and Ernie and Gail were able to come down and support us and hear our talks. It was so great to have them here. I love when they come to visit. We did great on our talks and are so happy to be done with them.
Ernie and Gail came down on saturday and they suprised us with our 1 year anniversary gift since next saturday marks our first year. They gave us something I have been wanting since I saw Gails. It is a little green and I love it! I can't wait to find a stain to use it on.

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Next Try at a Green Thumb

Well my last attempt at growing a plant was not in favor of the poor plant so, I decided to try a plant that was already grown. This was under the "easy to grow" section at Lowe's so I figured I could do it. I will try to keep it watered and in the sun so it won't die but I already explained him (the plant) that I don't have a green thumb and that he will have to be patient and help me out. I think he understood cuz he perked right up after we gave him some water. He was a little water deprived at Lowe's but I still thought he was cute. We were going to do a small garden but decided against that since it is so late in the year for it and the fact that I can't seem to grow anything. So, wish this poor plant luck.