Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hmmm. . . . School and Lay off

So here the latest update on us. jace and I have been trying to keep up with school and it's tough. Jace is doing really good though. He already has his homework done that isn't due til next Tuesday! He is awesome. Me on the other hand have been playing catch up. I had to add another class to my schedule to help get into the PTA progam in the spring. It is the lower divison Biology class (1610 for those who know the class). I already took the class 2 years ago, but the problem was that back then I didn't really care about school or grades or even think that that class would be so important so I have to retake that class and get better than a C+. The class is at 8 am too so I am struggling with getting enough sleep since I have to wake up so early now. I almost had to retake English 1010 to get into the PTA program too since I got a C+ in that too. Again, I took that one in high School. I was a serior that didn't care about school. I just wanted to get out of there and didn't relize , again, that it was important to get good grades!!! Anyway, so I talked to the PTA director about possibly accepting my English 2010 grade since it is an upper division class and proves that I can write at a college level since I got a B+ out of the class. He first told me that that wouldn't work and that the English 1010 class was a prereq and that was what they were basing admission to the PTA program on. After explain the logic of accepting both 1010 and 2010 he said he would email me and let me know. So I went to work and check my email around noon. He sent an email back saying that "do to my notworthy question english 1010 or 2010 will be accepted for the prereq's for admission. Yeah! I was able to drop english. :) That made my day. I was very blessed to be able to get in a Biology class though. It's amazing how things just work out how they should. The man upstairs really watches out for you if you are doing what you should.

We had a little said news this week though. I was layed off on the 1st from my apartment management job. The owner said the he couldn't keep me because of financial reasons. He isn't the smartest person ever, he gave $8,000 in discount to tenants at the apartments for this semester, so needless to say, no wonder he had to lay me off. He gave my wages to the temants. Oh well though. It's been nice having the extra time for homework and being home with Jace. Jace and I feel good about the whole situation though. We know that it's for the best and that everything is going to be ok. I work everyday til 1 at the Hospital so we still have some income there and jace works too. He has a great boss! :) haha. We really are blessed and so thankful for everything we have. Can't wait to see what else gets thrown our way too!

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